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Bielefeld 2002 Conference: Programme and Lectures

The most lectures are available as PowerPoint presentations. If you do not have PowerPoint installed on your PC you can donwload the Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer at http://office.microsoft.com/downloads/9798/ppview97.aspx for free.

Tuesday, 5 February 2002
13.30 Welcome Adresses

Prof. Dr. Dieter Timmermann, Rector,
Bielefeld University

Andrew Glass, Deputy Director,
The British Council Germany

Prof. Mel W. Collier, Library Director,
Tilburg University

Dr. Solke H. J. Veling, General Manager,

Dr. Karl Wilhelm Neubauer, Director,
Bielefeld University Library

Opening Lectures
14.00 Knowledge Management - A New Hype of Computer Scientists? Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hermann Maurer,
Head of the Institute for Information Processing and Computer Supported New Media (IICM),
Graz University of Technology, Graz (A)
Lecture (PDF-file) / PowerPoint presentation

Coffee Break

High Quality Information for the Industry

Chair: Prof. Mel W. Collier, Library Director, Tilburg University, Tilburg (NL)
16.30 The Library - The "Hub" Eugenie Prime, Manager Corporate Libraries,
Hewlett Packard Company,
Palo Alto, CA (USA)
PowerPoint presentation
17.30 Information and Knowledge Management in the Context of Strategic Goals Dr. Anne Petry-Eberle, Senior Manager Information Resources, DaimlerChrysler AG, Stuttgart (D)
Dr. Ehrfried Büttner, Head of the Corporate Information Research Center, Siemens AG, München (D)
Lecture (PDF-file)
18.30 Reception

10 Years of Bielefeld Conference - The Story of Success Continues
16 Years at the Bielefeld University - Karl Wilhelm Neubauer is Taking His Leave

Reception of the Mayor of Bielefeld, Eberhard David
and the Rector of the Bielefeld University, Prof. Dr. Dieter Timmermann
Minor Hall

20.00 Celebration in the Mövenpick Hotel
- on personal invitation -
Photos from the celebration

Wednesday, 6 February 2002
Structure and Finance of Electronic Information Supply

Chair: Jean Sykes, Librarian and Director of Information Services, London School of Economics, London (UK)
State Strategies and Subsidization
09.00 Building the UK's Distributed National Electronic Resource Dr. Alicia L. Wise, Director of Development,
Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC),
London (UK)
09.30 Scandinavian Information Policy and Models for Financing Jens Thorhauge, MA
Director General, Danish National Library Authority, Copenhagen (DK)
Lecture (PDF-file) / PowerPoint presentation
10.00 The Future of Scholarly Information: Recommendations and Political Consequences in Germany Dr. Friedrich Bode,
Ministerialrat, Ministerium für Schule, Wissenschaft und Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf (D)
Lecture (PDF-file)
10.30 Coffee Break  
Commercial Strategies of Big Information Providers
11.00 The ISI Strategy Timothy Hamer, Managing Director, ISI Uxbridge, Uxbridge (UK)
PowerPoint presentation
11.45 The Elsevier Strategy Derk Haank, Chief Executive,
Elsevier Science Inc., Amsterdam (NL)
PowerPoint presentation
12.30 The Role of the OCLC/PICA Cooperative in Providing Information to the European Library Community Michel G. Wesseling, Director,
OCLC/PICA Information Technology Center,
Leiden (NL)
PowerPoint presentation

Lunch and Exhibition


Product Presentations in the Main Hall

IT for all

Chair: Barbara Lison, Director, Public Library, Bremen (D)
15.30 Bringing IT All Back Home:
Public Libraries and the Concept of Knowledge-Districts in The Netherlands
Dr. Jos Geevers, Coordinator Strategy and Policy,
Public Library Eindhoven, Eindhoven (NL)
PowerPoint presentation
16.00 IT for all - Computer Access and Skills in the UK Andrew Duncan, Policy Manager,
Social Inclusion and Learning Technologies,
Department for Education and Skills, London (UK)
Lecture (PDF-file) / PowerPoint presentation
16.30 Coffee Break  
17.00 East of Eden - Information Supply at the Border of the Electronic Society Alojz Androvic, MSc. PhD.
Assistant Director General, University Library in Bratislava, Bratislava (SK)
Lecture (PDF-file) / PowerPoint presentation
17.30 Open Access to Scientific Information: The Public Library of Science, et al. Dr. Esther R. Dyer, Executive Director,
American-Italien Cancer Foundation,
New York (USA)
PowerPoint presentation
18.30 Happy Hour Reception in the Exhibition Area

Thursday, 7 February 2002
Internet Information Supply and the Role of Search Engines in the Future

Chair: Lars Bjørnshauge, Director, Lund University Libraries, Lund (S)
09.00 Search Engines instead of Data Bases? Dr. Eric G. Sieverts, Research and Development,
University Library Utrecht, Utrecht (NL)
PowerPoint presentation
09.30 Strategies for Quality Search Engines Thomas Place, Deputy Librarian,
Tilburg University Library, Tilburg (NL)
PowerPoint presentation
10.00 "Seek and Ye Shall Find" - Researching across Multi-Disciplinary Content Dianne Miles, Director of International Library Services, Ingenta plc., Oxford (UK)
presented by:
Richard Smart, Regional Manager Library Services, Ingenta plc., Oxford (UK)
Lecture (PDF-file) / PowerPoint presentation
10.30 One of the Concepts for the Future: The Endeavor Approach Gregor van Essen, Director of International Sales, Endeavor Information Systems, London (UK)
PowerPoint presentation
11.00 Coffee Break  
The New Role of the Library in Developing IT Competence in Society

Chair: Klaus-Peter Böttger, Head of the Professional Association Information Library; Director, Public Library, Mülheim a. d. Ruhr (D)
11.30 Digital Libraries and E-Learning:
Trends and Opportunities
Hans Roes, Deputy Librarian Collection Development and Information Sciences,
Tilburg University Library, Tilburg (NL)
Lecture (HTML-file) / PowerPoint presentation
12.00 Meet - Work and Learn: The Public Library as a Center for Learning Liv Sæteren, Director,
Deichmanske Bibliotek, Oslo (N)
Lecture (PDF-file)
12.30 Closing Lecture
Learning and Research Success:
The Role of Libraries in the IT Age
Prof. Dr. Eberhard R. Hilf, Chief Executive, Institute for Science Networking, Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg (D)
Lecture (HTML-file)
13.00 Farewell Address Dr. Alex Klugkist, Director, Library, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen,
Groningen (NL)

Web team, Bielefeld University Library - last update: 03/05/2002