Philipp Cimiano

Philipp Cimiano received his Ph.D. (2006) and venia legendi (Habilitation) (2009) in Applied Computer Science from the University of Karlsruhe (Germany) where he worked as a research assistant and then postdoctoral researcher and project leader at the knowledge management group of Prof. Studer at the Institute for Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB) (2003-2008). After working as a substitute professor at Heidelberg University and then as an assistant professor at the TU in Delft (Netherlands), he joined Bielefeld University in 2009 as a full professor for Computer Science at the Faculty of Technology and head of the Semantic Computing Group at the Center of Excellence Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC), one of the clusters of excellence within the framework of the German Excellence Initiative. He is also a board member the DFG-funded Collaborative Research Center SFB 673 "Alignment in Communication" at Bielefeld University.

Philipp Cimiano is mainly interested in topics at the intersection between knowledge representation and text processing including: text mining, computational semantics, information retrieval, question answering, ontology learning, ontology localization, Semantic Web and Linked Data. Currently, he is principle investigator in the EU-funded FP7 Monnet Project (Multilingual Ontologies for Networked Knowledge).

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