
Antonia Hermelbracht, Bettina Koeper
ProSeBiCA (Development of New Library Services by Means of Conjoint Analysis)

In the context of changing educational environments current discussions about the strategic development of academic libraries clearly show the need of a basic change in their self-conception, turning from mere academic institutions to service provider who actively design and offer services that fit to the users needs and preferences. More and more costumer acceptance of library services becomes a new quality standard that will have significant effects on the libraries' status within the universities. But how to achieve this acceptance? How to get a clear idea of user preferences in order to shape future library services?
The project ProSeBiCA, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and carried out by the Chair of Marketing at Bielefeld University and Bielefeld University Library, tries to give an answer to that question by adapting conjoint analysis as a marketing research method to the library context. Differing from surveys that refer to the evaluation of existing services conjoint analysis implies a tool based on preference measurement that allows to get a profound knowledge about the users' requests towards services already available as well as potential ones. Thus ProSeBiCA aims at the development of a comprehensive analysis and simulation framework for academic libraries which enables a founded strategic planning of future service design. Its portability will be audited in cooperation with the University of Cottbus. An intensive exchange of information with the Sheridan Libraries of the Johns Hopkins University, USA, completes the project and led to further cooperation considering CAPM and LibQUAL+TM.

Bielefeld University Library - last update: 01/13/2006